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Home Associations Fugro completes wellhead monitoring project for BP in Gulf of Mexico

Fugro completes wellhead monitoring project for BP in Gulf of Mexico

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 DeepData pods being readied for deployment with a lower marine riser package

DeepData pods being readied for deployment with a lower marine riser package

Fugro has successfully completed a year-long wellhead monitoring project for BP Americas Inc, measuring BOP stack motions and calculating wellhead fatigue during a deployment in the Gulf of Mexico.

The drilling campaign was conducted throughout 2014 in 6, 000 ft of water depth and utilised the Fugro Wellhead and Riser Instrumentation Service (WARIS). This installation included transmission of motion spectra from the BOP stack and riser using standard hydroacoustic modems and the automatic processing of this data with topside environmental data to show levels of motion and fatigue and their correlation with sea states and ocean currents. This provided BP with access to real-time subsea data to aid their decision making throughout the deployment. Communications from the lower marine riser package (LMRP) and riser remained successful even with surface wave heights greater than 3 metres at times during the campaign.

The DeepData subsea motion monitoring pods, the main component in the system, were deployed to positions on the BOP stack and riser by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The pods were integrated with hydroacoustic modems and had battery capacity to last for one year of deployment. A topside system was supplied that included vessel motion monitoring and links to existing environmental monitoring systems.

To ensure that the data could be accessed and utilised by BP engineers anywhere in the world, Fugro’s onshore data delivery system was used to plot and display all the processed data from the WARIS system. Summary plots were also distributed by email to a designated list of client recipients.
The success of the project indicated the technology could be deployed on other wells where fatigue capacity and potential loading is of interest.

Stuart Killbourn, Principal Engineer at Fugro said, “This was a project with challenging timescales and some demanding engineering. By working closely with BP and with Fugro staff in our Houston office, we managed to create success for both companies.”

John Henderson, Team Leader for Subsea Wells Engineered Solutions and Mitigations at BP said, “The collaboration between BP and Fugro demonstrates a leap forward in monitoring capability for the industry.”

CAPTION FOR ACCOMPANYING PICTURE: DeepData pods being readied for deployment with a lower marine riser package

Fugro creates value by acquiring and interpreting earth and engineering data and providing associated consulting services to support clients with their design and construction of infrastructure and buildings. Fugro also supports clients with the installation, repair and maintenance of their subsea infrastructure. Fugro is an independent service provider.

Fugro works around the globe, predominantly in energy and infrastructure markets offshore and onshore employing approximately 13, 500 employees in over seventy countries. In 2014 Fugro’s revenue amounted to EUR 2.6 billion; Fugro is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.-




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