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Home HREvents, Conferences,Forums and Symposiums High-profile line up in place for ICS conference in September

High-profile line up in place for ICS conference in September

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ICS Chairman Masamichi Morooka

ICS Chairman Masamichi Morooka

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has announced an exciting final programme for this year’s ICS International Shipping Conference which features high-profile speakers from across the global industry.

The Conference is one of the principal events during the second London International Shipping Week (LISW15).

The 2015 ICS Conference, to be held at the British Library, London, on Wednesday 9 September, will open with keynote speeches from the IMO Secretary-General, Koji Sekimizu, the U.S. Maritime Administrator, Paul Jaenichen, and the Administrators of both the Panama and Suez Canals, Jorge L. Quijano and Admiral Mohab Mameesh.

This will be followed by a discussion of future trade patterns led by The Economist magazine’s ‘Intelligence Unit’ and Special Guest Speaker, Carl Johan Hagman, CEO of Stena Line, who will speak on the future of marine fuels.

ICS Chairman, Masamichi Morooka, will chair the proceedings, which will also cover: the implications of major environmental regulations (sulphur, ballast water and CO2); the migrant rescue crisis; piracy; and the employment of women in shipping.

These sessions will feature two ICS Vice Chairmen – Karin Orsel (Netherlands) and Esben Poulsson (Singapore), plus Kathy Metcalf, the new President of the Chamber of Shipping of America, and Eric Banel, Director General of the French Shipowners’ Association.

The event will conclude with a discussion on the role and responsibilities of flag states, with presentations from Ralf Nagel, Chairman of the ICS Shipping Policy Committee and Special Guest Speaker, Jacqueline Smith of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

There will then be a panel debate moderated by the Editor of Lloyd’s List, Richard Meade. As well as ITF, this will include Scott Bergeron, CEO of the Liberia registry, John Adams, Chairman of the Bahamas Shipowners’ Association, Arthur Bowring, Chairman of the ICS Labour Affairs Committee, and Peter Bond, Chairman of the ICS Marine Committee.

The Conference lunch is proudly sponsored by The Bahamas Maritime Authority and the Bahamas Shipowners’ Association, with the event’s closing evening reception once again provided courtesy of Bibby Ship Management.

The full programme and booking form for the ICS International Shipping Conference 2015 can be viewed at: www.ics-shipping.org/ics-international-shipping-conference-2015


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