04/08/2017 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of Hafslund ASA from Oslo Børs. Hafslund ASA has in letter dated 3 August 2017 pursuant to the Continuing Obligations section 15.1…
Oslo Børs has on 1 June 2017 decided the following in accordance with the ABM rules section 7: “Island Offshore Shipholding L.P, the issuer of the bond with ISIN NO0010673866,…
Otium’s bond to be delisted 04/03/2016 – The bond issued by Otium AS is to be removed from listing on Nordic ABM due to repeated violations of the rules set…
07/09/2015 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of Cecon ASA. The company is bankrupt. Pursuant to Continuing Obligations section 15.1 (1) cf. Stock Exchange Act section 25…
15/01/2015 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of Northland Resources SE. The company has filed for bankruptcy. The bonds issued by Northland Resources SE with ISIN NO0010636137/ticker…
09/10/2014 – Delisting of Transeuro Energy is given suspensive effect until the company’s appeal is considered by The Stock Exchange Appeals Committee. At its meeting on 9 October 2014, the Board of…
24/09/2014 – At its meeting today, the Board of Directors of Oslo Børs resolved to delist shares in Transeuro Energy Corp from Oslo Axess. The last day of trading will be 15…
26/06/2014 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of BWG Homes ASA. The company has been acquired by Obos. Last day of listing will beFriday 27 June. Oslo Børs…
28/11/2013 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of Bridge Energy ASA. The last day of listing will be on 28 November 2013. Oslo Børs has received an application…
15/07/2013 – SinOceanic Shipping ASA will be delisted from Oslo Børs. The last day of listing will beTuesday 16 July 2013. Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of SinOceanic…
10/06/2013 – Jason Shipping ASA will be delisted from Oslo Børs. The last day of listing will be Friday 9 August 2013. Oslo Børs has received an application from Jason Shipping ASA…
The last day of listing will be Thursday 30 May 2013. Oslo Børs has received an application from Rieber & Søn ASA for delisting of the company’s shares. Pursuant to…
24Seven Technology Group ASA will be delisted from Oslo Axess. The last day of listing will be Thursday 27 June 2013 Oslo Børs has received an application from 24Seven Technology Group…