Wärtsilä Corporation, 22 October 2024 at 11 AM EEST Wärtsilä Gas Solutions, part of technology group Wärtsilä, continues to strengthen its position as a market-leading supplier of advanced cargo handling systems.…
YES FORUM SUGGESTS: EEDI & EEXI | Job Openings Invitation | 18th Annual Forum (Digital) | ICS Greek Branch The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch cordially invites you to the 18th ICS Annual Forum (Digital) on Tuesday, 28 November…
DECARBONIZING SHIPPING – Live Virtual Classroom DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 19 and 20 April 2022, a course on “Decarbonization”. With the IMO 2030 and 2050 targets for CO2 reduction, and rising fuel prices…
IMO Action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping https://bit.ly/2mbmeUI IMO continues to contribute to the global fight against climate change, in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13,…
ClassNK Issues World’s First EEDI Certification for Air Lubrication System Fitted Vessel
Tokyo – Leading classification society (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has completed the EEDI appraisal of Harvest Frost, the world’s first post-panamax bulk carrier fitted with the Mitsubishi Air Lubrication…
Hamburg, 9 August 2013 – The NSC Group has commissioned the voluntary “Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)” certification of its entire fleet from Germanischer Lloyd (GL). GL verifies the globally valid…
Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has announced the development of the software, PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA (Progressive Speed Trial Analysis), to help shipyards comply with the Amendment…