Shipping companies increase reputational risk by ignoring international standards for private maritime security Compliance and high professional standards should be championed The shipping industry should adopt a unified international standard…
France and Japan have recognised that piracy is an on going threat to shipping by allowing armed guards on their ships said UK maritime security company GoAGT. Gerry Northwood OBE,…
A maritime attack from Al-Qaeda or other affiliate terrorist groups is now increasingly likely maritime security firm Gulf of Aden Group Transits (GoAGT) has warned. “The resurgence of Al-Qaeda and…
All international ships are at risk of attack by terrorists off Yemen and not just British flagged vessels. Maritime security company Gulf of Aden Group Transits (GoAGT) issued…
Somali pirates are biding their time a major maritime security briefing has been told
“Somali pirates are ‘sleeping’, they have not gone away”, said Mary Harper, BBC Africa Editor, who has reported widely on events in the region. Growing political instability in Somalia and…
GoAGT to run the only City & Guilds MSO accredited course outside of the United Kingdom
City & Guilds has accredited Gulf of Aden Group Transits (GoAGT) to operate the course for the Level 3 Award for Maritime Security Operatives (MSO 8269-03). The first City &…