Happy Greek Independence Day! From the Desk of the Supreme President March 25, 2023 Dear AHEPA Family, Fellow Hellenes and Philhellenes, In 1821, after nearly 400 years of Ottoman oppression,…
Greek Independence DAy
23-Mar-2019 WORLD HOLIDAYS: 24 MARCH-6 APRIL 2019 Worldwide World Holidays: 24 March-6 April 2019 Saturday, March 23, 2019, Worldwide Public holidays around the world in the coming two weeks include…
17-Mar-2018 WORLD HOLIDAYS: 18-31 MARCH 2018 Worldwide World Holidays: 18-31 March 2018 Saturday, March 17, 2018, Worldwide Public holidays around the world in the coming two weeks include the following:…
11-Mar-2017 WORLD HOLIDAYS: 12-25 MARCH 2017 Worldwide World Holidays: 12-25 March 2017 Saturday, March 11, 2017, Worldwide Public holidays around the world in the coming two weeks include the following:…
Here is the Allaboutshipping.co.uk’s twelfth overview and recapitulation of the Shipping Markets, Events and the World’s various “situations” for 2014 with John Faraclas: With the BDI down 39 points since yesterday…
It is 193 years from the Greek Revolt back in 1821 against the Ottoman yoke which was based on the triumph of the Greek sails! The Greek modern heroes of…