Transport – a catalyst for inclusive societies Transport ministers from around the world meet in Germany to discuss how better mobility solutions can bring divided societies together Ministers from the 63 member…
International Transport Forum
NEW OECD REPORT SUGGESTS PACIFIC CALLS FOR DECARBONISING SHIPPING BY 2050 IS ACHIEVABLE March 30, 2018: A new report published by the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic…
The International Transport Forum is pleased to present a special issue of the ITF’s Statistics Brief. As the year draws to a close, this latest edition throws a data-based spotlight…
Scenarios on transport volumes and emissions to 2050 released by International Transport Forum at the OECD The volume of global transport could double or even quadruple by 2050, according…
OECD countries invest on average around 1% of GDP on road and rail infrastructure Transport infrastructure is a vital social and economic asset. Its construction and maintenance absorb significant resources…