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Hot Port News from GAC

by admin

GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Worldwide – Concentrated Inspection Campaign
* Germany, Kiel Canal – Strike expected at Canal locks
* India, Kakinada – Port strike called
* Australia, Newcastle – Revision to Vesel Arrival System

DATE: August 05, 2013
COUNTRY: Worldwide
Concentrated Inspection Campaign

The Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of
Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated
Inspection Campaign (CIC) with the purpose to ensure compliance with SOLAS
Chapter II-1. The scope of the CIC is the safety of propulsion and
auxiliary machinery, especially the working order and maintenance of the
main engines, auxiliary engines, auxiliary equipment and their related
alarm systems. Special attention will be given to familiarity of the crew
with safety and emergency procedures with regard to these systems.

This inspection campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 1
September 2013 and ending on 30 November 2013.

The propulsion and machinery installations will be verified in more detail
for compliance with the mentioned scope of the CIC during a regular Port
State Control inspection conducted under the regional ship selection
criteria within the Paris and Tokyo MoU regions.

Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of 12 selected items to
verify critical areas for the propulsion and auxiliary machinery
installations, some of which are related to documentation, main and
auxiliary equipment, crew familiarization and operational controls. For
this purpose, PSCOs will apply a questionnaire listing a number of items to
be covered during the concentrated inspection campaign….

….When deficiencies are found, actions by the port State may vary from
recording a deficiency and instructing the master to rectify it within a
certain period to detaining the ship until serious deficiencies have been
rectified. In the case of detention, publication in the monthly detention
lists of the Paris and Tokyo MoU web sites will take place.

It is expected that the Paris and Tokyo MoUs will carry out approximately
10, 000 inspections during the CIC.

The results of the campaign will be analyzed and findings will be presented
to the governing bodies of the MoUs for submission to the IMO.

Other MoUs will also carry out a CIC on the same topic during this period.

(For information about operations at ports worldwide contact the respective
GAC office. Details may be found at

Source: Paris MoU on Port Control & Tokyo MoU PSC press release

DATE: August 05, 2013
COUNTRY: Germany
PORT: Kiel Canal
Strike expected at Canal locks

The local labour union is preparing a general strike of the Kiel Canal

The exact timing of the strike is currently unknown, but heavy
delays/restrictions are expected from 0000 hours on Wednesday (7 August)
for an unknown period.

(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency
Centre at hub.gb@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger, Germany – GAC hub agent

DATE: August 05, 2013
PORT: Kakinada
Port strike called

A strike has been called for tomorrow (6 August) at the port of Kakinada.

In its Circular No.13/2013 dated 5 August, the Cocanada Chamber of Commerce

It is unaminously decided to suspend all port oeprations on 6 August 2013,
against Government formal decision to bifurcate/divide the state. All the
members are requested to cooperate and do the needful.

All the members are requested to participate in the procession to be
conducted from 10am onwards which starts from the Chamber prmeises on 6
August with all their staff members/employees/associates.

DATE: August 05, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Newcastle
Revision to Vesel Arrival System

Newcastle Port Corporation (NPC) has advised the following  revision to the
Newcastle Vessel Arrival System (VAS):

…NPC has implemented a variation to the issuing of NATs for some vessels.

If when the NAT would normally have been issued  at 7 days from Newcastle,
the Master’s ETA is within 48 hours of the estimated time of loading as
advised by the relevant terminal, the vessel will not be issued an NAT at
this time.

The vessel will be required to make its best speed to 10NM from Newcastle
where the NAT will be assigned at this time.

This variation is in line with Rule 4.6 which states;

4.6 If in relation to a vessel that has complied with Rule 3, NPC fails to:
(a) Notify a vessel of its 7 day Notified Arrival Time and its ETL in
accordance with Rule 4.1;
(b) Establish a vessel’s Priority in the queue in accordance with rule
4.3.(unless one of the Rules in Part 7 applies)

Then the affected vessel may arrive at 10NM off the Port and notify NPC of
its arrival as soon as possible. Having so notified NPC as its arrival time
such a vessel with be allocated a position in the queue based in the actual
time of its arrival at 10NM off the Port and Rule 7 will not be applied to
that vessel for arriving at this point.

This variation has been implemented due to the low queue environment that
presently exists and due to observations that some vessels who would be
loading on arrival have slowed and have not been available to load as
initially scheduled.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.

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