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News from The Nautical Institute

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NAUTICAL        INSTITUTE       NEWS      –     January  2015

The Navigator: communicating effectively
The Navigator
Safe navigation depends on effective communication. That’s why the February issue of our free magazine for professional navigators is devoted to the subject, focusing on verbal communication and managing data.
Think of your listener. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it and how you check that it’s been understood. Has it led to the correct action in response?
Think of the data you’re receiving. Are you sure it’s accurate, that you’ve understood it and applied it correctly?
Read the latest issue of The Navigator here. But don’t stop there – share it with colleagues, introduce it to your company,  help us get copies onto every SOLAS ship. We need your help to ensure that The Navigatorcommunicates effectively.
Drills – who needs them?
Nobody really enjoys safety drills but they are the perfect training for survival in an emergency – and the more unexpected and inconvenient the drills are, the better.
The latest issue of the International Maritime Human Element Bulletin Alert! focuses on surviving the unexpected and examines how resources, training and procedures can help people to do the correct things almost instinctively when the chips are down.
Read how gaming technology can help us learn from incidents without having to experience them ourselves, and how technology can improve decision-making when entering enclosed spaces. Visit the website for past issues of Alert! and downloadable videos.
MARS: jetty hit while shifting berth
Berthing safely demands concentration, communication and competence in shiphandling. That sounds obvious but every situation is different and small lapses can lead to big problems. Read the MARS report about a small feeder ship with controllable pitch power that lost control and hit the jetty while shifting berth from port to starboard side.
It was a clear night but visual observation of the berth was difficult, the bridge team were distracted by a gyro error, and communication between Master and pilot was not as thorough as it should have been.
Please share the report with your colleagues and friends and encourage them to access, and contribute to, the Institute’s free onlineMARS database.
Degrees for STCW qualified seafarers?
Are you an STCW qualified seafarer? If so, please take a few minutes to complete our short online questionnaire degrees 4 seafarers.
The questionnaire is in response to growing feedback from STCW qualified seafarers interested in an academic ‘top-up’ programme that would lead to the award of a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Respondents to the questionnaire will be invited to participate in a second phase that will explore in more detail the process by which seafarers would prefer to study for the award of a degree level qualification. Thank you in advance for your input.
Using CPD to grow your career: NI webinar
Steven Gosling MSc MNI
Join the Institute’s first ever webinar at 14.30 UTC on Wednesday 18 February and discover how, if properly used, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can be a powerful tool in helping you to grow your maritime career.
Steven Gosling MNI (pictured), Training & Quality Manager at the Institute, will address questions such as:
  • what exactly is CPD and why do I need it?
  • how can my career benefit from CPD?
  • how can The Nautical Institute help me with my professional development?

Register NOW for this webinar (only 100 places available).

We need to talk about ECDIS
National Maritime College of Ireland
Mandatory carriage of ECDIS and training in its use are with us and it’s time to share experience and knowledge. The Institute’s Ireland Branch is leading the way with a seminar on 26 February at the National Maritime College of Ireland in Ringaskiddy, Cork. Running from 10am until 4pm, three sessions will cover:
  • carriage requirements, usability and standardisation
  • S mode (workshop with David Patraiko, NI Director of Projects)
  • ensuring competence
Attendance costs €20 (€25 non-members).Register now to avoid disappointment.
Have your say about manpower issues
Manpower survey
For the first time, the 2015 BIMCO/ICS Manpower Report will include the opinions of seafarers, Maritime Education and Training staff, crewing agencies and other maritime professionals.
The Nautical Institute is supporting this initiative as these five-yearly reports analyse present and future supply and demand and provide the basis for strategic decisions by the industry, governments and other agencies.
The questionnaire for seafarers is open until the end of February and can be found here. It won’t take you long to complete but your contribution will ensure that those at sea are heard.
AGM Event: 11 & 12.5.15 – save the dates
NI AGM Event 2015
On 11 and 12 May 2015 The Nautical Institute AGM Event will be held in San Francisco, incorporating a two-day seminar with the theme Sailing into the future: bridging the gap between training and technology.
It will build on the conclusions of the Institute’s 2014 Command Seminar series, one of which was that maritime education and training is not keeping pace with technological change in the industry.
It’s an important topic and an exciting and stimulating programme of presentations and discussions is shaping up. Social events include a cocktail cruise and a gala dinner, and there’s a wine-tasting tour for partners. For further information visit the events section of the Institute’s website.
Events guide: up to £225 off for NI members
Listed below are upcoming events. If there’s a Nautical Institute event near you then why not go along and meet some like-minded souls.
CPD certificates are provided at many Nautical Institute events – please check with the event organiser.
6:00 pm: HQS Wellington, Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, WC2R 2PN
10 February – SW England Branch – Bridge Team Management 20 years on7:00pm: Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club, Madeira Road, The Hoe, Plymouth PL1 2NY
6:30 pm: Maersk Training, 11-12 Jupiter Court, Orion Business Park, Tyne And Wear, NE29 7SE
7:00 pm: The Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club, 4-5 Waterloo Crescent, Dover, CT16 1LA
Holiday Inn, Westhill Drive, Aberdeen AB32 6TT
Nine Kings / Westbourne Suites, Lancaster London, Lancaster Terrace, London W2 2TY
23 February – NW England & N Wales Branch – AGM and Talk ‘Liverpool Cruise Terminal’
HMS Eaglet, Naval Regional Headquarters, East Brunswick Dock, Liverpool L3 4DZ
Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki, Finland (NI members receive 20% discount)
10am: National Maritime College of Ireland, Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork
Room 218, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF
7:30 pm: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Near Shindaga Tunnel, Deira Dubai
7.15pm: TBA
5:30 pm: Port of Tyne Offices, North Shields, NE30 1LJ
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen AB11 7RX
Montreal Canada (NI members receive a £225 discount)
Hilton Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore (NI members receive a 20% discount)
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen AB11 7RX
Room 218, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF
6:30 pm: SSMS Lecture Theatre 1
Marriot Inner Harbour Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Fort Mason Complex, 2 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco, California, CA94123
Inn at the Park, 3-4 Deemount Terrace, Aberdeen, AB11 7RX
Fleetwood Nautical Campus, FY7 8JZ
Singapore (NI members receive a 20% discount)
Gdynia, Poland
Aberdeen, Scotland (NI members receive 15% discount)
London, UK (NI members receive 15% discount)
Newcastle University, UK
 Publications List and Services brochure
Visit the publications section of our website to download our interactive Publications List and Services brochure, listing the entire range of specialist book titles available from The Nautical Institute.
Product code: 0309
Standard Price: £95
NI Member Price: £66.50
Astro Navigation
Admiralty Manual of Navigation Volume Two – Astro Navigation
Product code: 0328
Standard Price: £60
NI Member Price: £42
The Admiralty Manual of Navigation Set
Admiralty Manual of Navigation Volumes One and Two
Product code: 0339
Standard Price: £145
NI Member Price: £101.50
– Senior Nautical Instructor- Senior Engineer Instructor

– Master Mariner

– Deep Sea Pilots
– DPOs
Login here to view our NI Members’ Jobs Board
Not already a member of The Nautical Institute? Join todayand enjoy these valuable benefits…
– international recognition as a maritime professional plus the ability to display your NI membership on your CV and business card;
– Seaways, our monthly journal keeping you abreast of all the latest maritime developments – now also readable online;
– the chance to meet colleagues, employers and customers at NI seminars and also via discounted entry to industry conferences and events;
– a 30% discount on all Institute specialist publications and practical guides;
– support for your Continuing Professional Developmentand an online Jobs Board;
– £100, 000 of legal defence insurance cover to protect you against criminalisation;
– a representative voice at IMOand other international forums;
– personal copies of our human element Alert! Bulletin andThe Navigator.
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The Nautical Institute • 2‌02 Lambeth Road • London, England SE1 7LQ

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