John Faraclas
Volatility and geopolitical knocks begin to bite following today’s fall, leaving the markets high and dry – …with the exception of the BDTI…; John Faraclas daily report:
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) closed down ten points since yesterday at 942, sending more shocks, despite the willingness of the majority of stakeholders to insist and feel optimistic; fat chance…
The BCI 2014, notoriously known for its asymmetrical volatile behaviour, lost eight points and now reads 1,665. Only a day ago it gained 164 points and indeed we warned for self-control etc. etc. Now, not only we warn of CAUTION, everything in shipping is cautioned!
The Panamaxes BPI lost 17 points and now stand at 981, moving away from the 1,000 point threshold where it stood comfortably for a while raising both hopes and stakes…
The Supras and Handies too saw their respective BSI and BHSI lose three and two points respectively, reading 722 and 446…
The Wets with slightly mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 1,006 – up five points and 632 – down 10 respectively.
The WTI stands at US$ 51,25 and might go slightly higher; the last closing yesterday found same at 51,08… Still we insist the price MUST fall below US$ 50 – Mrs. Lagarde I am sure she will agree given the increased poverty around the world…
The Dry and Wet Markets are also reported by Alan MacCarthy in a well construed analysis; tell us your views.
The Container trade will be the talk of the town in less than two months; until then watch out for a warring environment with rates and alliances making the box go round and round and round… You can evaluate the situation prevailing and to this effect we have a story; read and comment. We advise you also to be on guard…
The fight against corruption must intensify as no one can afford any further disturbances and colossal losses; read our yesterday’s coverage.
On the Geopolitical front all its set for tomorrow’s mega event: Donald Trump will be sworn-in as the USA’s 45th president and then the World will go round – you can interpret this in any way you prefer (no wishful thinking…). Indeed there is an interesting message from the USA: Trump pledges to unite all Americans, a noble hope and aspiration, the end result will count though…
The MIGRANTS remains the number one issue; CAUTION.
The Syrian and Iraqi multi-level wars continue; too much for the suffering public to bear. Watch the outcome’s aftermath…
Turkey’s behaviour in the region vis-à-vis not only the Syrian and Iraqi issues, but also those with Greece and Cyprus creates a very disturbing East Med – Caucuses scene with incalculable repercurrsions. Armenia and the Kurds too will seek changes! Putin’s Russia has its own agenda and we all await Donald Trump’s policy for the region.
The Israeli – Palestinian centuries-old saga looks now more dangerous. Add the Balkans mess with Serbia threatening to annex North Kosovo, like Russia did with Crimea, and see what you get…
BREXIT shows the exit to many European Union nations which, I hope, they will understand that the time of reckoning approaches. All of a “sudden”, everybody is concerned and everybody provisionally says they will leave the City and most of their banking activities; so what! The City of London and the United Kingdom at large are making waves; a big strategic move forward for Global Britain – and it will come back to Britannia Rules the Waves!
Greece finds itself in a total mess yet again. Time to move on and get rid of all 300 unacceptable MP’s there. At the back of the 11 million Greeks mind – and seven million in diaspora, nobody trusts them given their up to now performance and outcome worsening their well-being. An ARISTOS government please and stop Mrs. Merkel et al dictating the Greeks “…whom do you want as Ruler” etc etc. The Media are in disarray and well construed under the table “agreements” are taking place… “There is honour among thieves” – always remember this! In the meantime, Naftemporiki’s 3rd Shipping Forum was more than a success proving how important Greek Shipping is to all intents and purposes. Even the current Greek administration accepted this finding!

Ana Irene Delgado of Solis Endara Delgado y Guevara
Davos’ World Economic Forum continues and it is a must to see how best the colossal financial issues are prioritised and solved. Each year there is hope, but if you study in depth, each year is worse than the previous one for Global Economy. We will soon have more news from there. The British Cancellor Philip Hammond has warned that the process of exiting the European Union, might last more than two years! If locked-out from the EU’s Single market, the United Kingdom can change its economic model! Amongst our many friends and supporters there is Ana Irene Delgado and we will soon upload her views. Many posters around urge and encourage people to walk, as exercise is one of the three most important rules of the Champion CEO (for the AKSS Alumni, a well known maxim and practice). Let’s hope that at least one good thing comes out from all these annual deliberations and show-off in the snow-dominated region! Unsuccessful Davos’ risk the avalanche…
In Italy, …mother nature hit badly yet again; a double knocking from heaven’s door – to paraphrase the well-known hit. An earthquake’s reaction was an avalanche to make it as messy as you can’t imagine. Our thoughts are with all those people whose area has seen recently the one devastation after another. Nearly 30 are still missing – let’s hope!
Mexico extradites drug’s baron El Chapo to the USA– bye bye Joaquin…
All other regions in all five continents on Planet Ocean continue with the same and new problems. Soon you will hear the drums of War!

From the GSCC Vassilopita cutting; Archbishop Gregorius, president Harry J. Fafalios delivering his annual speech, the Secretary-General of the IMO Kitack Lim,the Greek Ambassador Dimitrios Karamitsos-Tziras, the Cyprus High Commissioner Euripedis Evriviades, Maria Sylignaki and Radm (Rt HCG) Kostas Amarantidis from the GSCC.
On a better note now, the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committees’ (GSCC) annual Vassilopitta event took place earlier on at the Baltic Exchange. A full house at the King George V and Royal Victoria rooms honoured the hosts and Greek Shipping at Planet Ocean’s Administrative Capital of Shipping. The very eloquent GSCC’s president Harry J. Fafalios delivered an excellent speech referring to the material business and geopolitical times we live in with all the relevant issues, BREXIT, Markets, situation in Greece and other important ones influencing the shipping adventure, not just for Greece but for all international maritime stakeholders. An important, above all mentioning of the Seafarers rchbishop Gregorius of Thyateira and Great Britain officiated. Only two lucky winners of this year’s sovereigns; Andreas A. Tsavliris from the Tsavliris Salvage Group and Iris Liaskoni from Seascape – the third one might have an appointment with a dentist… Will revert soon with the entire event and pictures.
Have a nice evening AND be on guard for every eventuality!