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Home Associations Poseidon Med II event in Patras

Poseidon Med II event in Patras

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Poseidon Med II partners presenting, Patras, 19/5/2017 *

Poseidon Med II event in Patras highlights the benefits of LNG as fuel and its prospects for sustainable development in Western Greece

The benefits of the use of LNG as a safe and eco-friendly fuel for the local community of Patras, was the core of the discussion during the Poseidon Med II event which took place at Port of Patras on 19th June 2017. The event was co-organised by Patras Port Authority, which is one of the participating ports in the project, within the European co-funded Poseidon Med II project. The event gathered together representatives from the Municipality of Patras and local stakeholders from social and industry sectors.

The scope of the event was to offer a platform of discussion with local stakeholders focusing on the deployment of LNG as an alternative marine fuel and its key envisaged impact on the protection of the environment and on sustainable energy development at Western Greece.  During the meeting, specific emphasis was given to the LNG bunkering installations in Patras Port which are designed within Poseidon Med II framework, as well as to safety aspects and global best practices and case-studies. Additionally, the monitoring of air emissions in ports and the establishment of Revithoussa terminal as LNG hub for the regional supply chain were also highlighted.

Snapshot from the audience, Patras, 19/05/2017

Nikos Kontoes, President & Managing Director of Patras Port Authority, noted: “Patras Port Authority sets as high priority the LNG establishment in port. At initial stage, it will accommodate LNG bunkering operations, expandable for industrial and domestic use. Within Poseidon Med II, the installation is designed in full alignment with the strict provisions of SEVESO Directive. This LNG unit will contribute to the sustainable development for the port of Patras, linking the currently isolated Western Greece with energy networks.  Social-economic development and employment are among the key benefits for Western Greece, which is the third poorest region in Greece, as well as the environmental protection for the port of Patras and the wider area”.

Similar events raising awareness about the prospects of the LNG as marine fuel will take place at other ports participating to Poseidon Med II project the following months.

What is Poseidon Med II project?

Poseidon Med II project is a practical roadmap which aims to bring about the wide adoption of LNG as a safe, environmentally efficient and viable alternative fuel for shipping and help the East Mediterranean marine transportation propel towards a low-carbon future. The project, which is co-funded by the European Union, involves three countries Greece, Italy and Cyprus, six European ports (Piraeus, Patras, Lemesos, Venice, Heraklion, Igoumenitsa) as well as the Revithoussa LNG terminal. The project brings together top experts from the marine, energy and financial sectors to design an integrated LNG value chain and establish a well-functioning and sustainable LNG market.

The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


*First pic caption: from left to right: Nikos Kontoes, President & Managing Director, Patras Port Authority; Stavros Antipas, Holding & Development Director, Patras Port Authority; Maria Fotiadou, Head of Corporate Development Activities Division, Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA) S.A. ; Joseph Florentin, Project Manager, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A. (DESFA S.A.); Thanos Koliopulos, Global Special Projects Manager, Lloyd’s Register; Anna Apostolopoulou, EU Projects Management & Coordination Leader, Lloyd’s Register; Antonis Boutatis, Port Master Planner, Senior Partner, Rogan Associates S.A.; Dr Adamis Mitsotakis, Research Associate, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

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