Happy New Year; mind the gap …err mind the 2020* et al…
Geopolitical challenges particularly face Shipping where many issues are at stake…
In a world of political and economic uncertainty anything can happen and we urge all stakeholders in the shipping industry to be on their guard. We will revert with a full account of what we expect in 2020… the year will be fraught, but at least everyone ought to be able to look after themselves and guard their health.
2020 will be the year when many hypocrites, terrorists, criminals and business hooligans will be revealed and should be called to account! Stay tuned with us! Our predictions haven’t failed so far as we are bold and disciplined in telling the truth about the markets and geopolitics at a juncture when the global debt is now just over US$255 (two hundred and fifty) trillion… Our daily reports all throughout 2019 and before that were beyond accuracy !!! How can one confront this financial catastrophe and turn things – positively, upside down for the benefit of all!!!
We gladly take this opportunity to thank our supporters and the thousands of viewers who follow us on a daily basis!
*The new IMO Sulphur Cup Regulation which comes into force today.