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Home HRAnniversaries With the BDI down at 415, lips are sealed…

With the BDI down at 415, lips are sealed…

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John Faraclas

With the BDI down at 415, lips are sealed…

What an end of a weak week that was with the BDI losing 16 points and now standing at 415 amid dangerous and perplexed geopolitical issues? John Faraclas’ recap:

The weekly losses of the BDI stood at 72 points – down from 487 recorded last Friday the 31st of January…

The situation with the Capes might sound unprecedented but everything these days is possible. The BCI was down to minus 234 points which is also 47 points minus from that as of the 31st of January when it stood at minus 214!!!

The Panamaxes’ BPI was up 11 points to 541 – an …exception, but on a weekly basis the BPI was down 33 points – from 574 on 31/01…

The Supras’ BSI lost 15 points as well as the 500 point threshold and now stands at 491… The weekly loss was 33 points – from 524…

Losses for the Handies – down five for the day with the BHSI reading 304. The weekly losses were 28 points – down from 332…

So the BDI is now 1,832 points below the 2,247 points as of the end of Dec 2013. It is also 11,378 points below the all-time high as of the 20th of May 2008 when it stood at 11,793…. It’s is also 123 points higher from the all-time low when the BDI stood at 290 points on the 10th of February 2016, exactly four years ago!!! CAUTION!!

Mixed feelings for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dry) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 803 – up seven and 623 – up nine points respectively. On a weekly basis though the Dirties were down 79 (from 882 on the 31/1) and the Cleans were up eight (from 615 on the 31/1) respectively….

The WTI stood at US$ 50.32 – a good level although same even went down to US$ 49.61 on the 4th of February. Remind you that the WTI stood at US$ 51.56 on the 31st of January, so same was down US$ 1.14…

Imagine the barrel at US$ 147 as same stood in Spring 2008!!!! Eh!!!

Shall we say once again CAUTION? Well, under the circumstances and with the “excuse” of the Coronavirus pandemic it’s how many owners can remain in the game… Very difficult times lie ahead… and coupled with the geopolitical mess, the colossal US$ 257 (twohundredandfiftyseven) trillion global debt, the IMO2020 and other “regulations” will for sure lead us to a dead end… The Shipowning community must be prepared to accept the Shipping for the very very very few era; end of the story.-

The MIGRANTS issue still the top issue with many troubles for the islanders of Greece’s eastern Aegean Islands whilst the morons running the European Union continue to keep a blind eye on the Turkish designs coupled with sheer blackmail to distort the social cohesion, firstly of the Greek Islands and the Greek mainland and thereafter that of the European Union. Don’ ask the Turkish aggression against Greece, Cyprus, Syria to name but a few… Some still forget the siege of Vienna a few centuries ago… Wake up; this is also a despicable Turkish religious plan… We reiterate the view that the Governor of the North East Greek Aegean Islands, Prof Kostas Moutzouris has the right view as if his view is not accepted things will go worse on the MIGRATS issue. We also remind you of the naval blockade with a mandate and rules of engagement to ensure an end to this mess. Same should apply all over the Med and in particular in lawless Libya!!!

Turkey continues to pester all its neighbours, stir up the Balkans, the entire Central / East Med and Middle East including also the Israeli / Palestinians Peace process…

The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa with its ten focal points continues to send shocking waves all over.

BREXIT sounds as if the tensions are cooling down but this is not the case. Both sides have a lot to do avoiding damage to the public. It will be a difficult and painful process but let’s hope things can be done and hope the will is there in both sides of the Channel !

Let’s see closely the result of the Irish elections as all things being equal none of the three major parties will lead more than one centum; a very big question and a difficult time for Irish politics…

At the other side of the Atlantic everybody lives from now on the election fever with many surprises for all. Will president Trump be re-elected?

Still too many issues in Central and South America; issues and problems of all kind will shake the region!!!!

In China and elsewhere things are very different vis-à-vis the Chinese New Year; the Year of the Rat will be a strange one… Let’s watch what will happen as in general, per our previous prognosis, this is (2020) the Year of Reckoning!!!!

Africa still in hibernation on many issues… A must to end corruption!!

Expect rainfalls in burning Australia so things can get better…

It is indeed a turbulent time everywhere and the weather in all its forms is putting up new challenges right across the globe. CAUTION!

l to r: Vicky Pryce, Prof Stathis Kalyvas, Gonda Van Steen and Prof Sir Michael Llewellyn Smith

On another tone and note we had yesterday two interesting events; one at King’s College London with the 29th annual Runciman Lecture and the other one an excellent environmental so to speak photographic exhibition at London’s Hellenic Centre.

This year’s Runciman’s Lecture at the Great Hall at King’s College London by Prof Stathis Kalyvas – University of Oxford, was a well-timed one. Titled “To hell and Back” – the politics of the Greek Crisis 2009-2019 was simple and to the point so everybody could understand what really happened… Excellent slides kept the interest of just over 200 guests… Good to see Mati Egon  who generously supports these lectures and many others.

The event was introduced by Prof Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith and the vote of thanks by Vicky Pryce. Q&A time took place at the Committee Room. Will revert with the slides link so our international readership can get a glimpse of what happened! We also look forward to an exciting year with a lot being organised by the director of the Centre of the Hellenic Studies Prof Gonda Van Steen. We advise you to log on www.kcl.ac.uk/chs and see all the coming events.

Marina Antoniou in front of two of  her photographs; “Antarctica: Iceberg close up” and “Greenland, Iceberg, post midnight”






















The second event was unique in the sense of the momentum, that special ingredient in photography. Marina Antoniou’s 26 plus photographs on “One World and the Climate Change” at the Friends Room of London’s Hellenic Centre attracted over 150 guests.

The environment being the issue these days was meticulously exposed by Ms Antoniou.

The exhibition runs until the 27th of February and it’s one NOT to be missed. Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland; the Aegean, Greece, Italy, Nepal and Cyprus as well as Africa and Brazil’s well-hidden nature’s secrets come in front of her lenses!

It was one of the best ever meet the artist events and we thank Christina Vagioti for her tip…

Log on the Hellenic Center site www.helleniccentre.org and see all the forthcoming events including the Tsikopempti on Thursday the 20th of February organised by the Lykion ton Hellinidon; a traditional feast event not to be missed.

Bookings: enquiries@lykiontonellinidon.co.uk

Two weeks later don’t miss The Kathara Deftera Celebration on Monday  the 2nd of March; tthat’s the beginning of the Greek Lent. Bookings either on eventbrite or at the Hellenic Centre: info@helleniccentre.org

Lastly, earlier on tonight we attended the AMBA Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner in the tune of the rip-roaring 1920s at the Sheraton Grand Hotel Park Lane in Piccadilly being in our view the jewel in Mayfair’s Art Deco!

The Copenhagen Business School Blue MBA table

We were invited by Irene Rosberg, the programme director of the Blue MBA at the Copenhagen Business School whose student Monika Lemajic was shortlisted for the MBA Student of the Year Award 2019 – the sixth and final category of the night. This award plays a pivotal role in supporting AMBA’s pledge to promote the MBA as the leading business qualification. Well done for Monika Lemajic and hope soon will lift the crown. Congrats to Irene Rosberg for having such high calibre MBA success students; we will revert with a full account on this event.

The Awards this year were under the AMBA and BGA (Business Graduates Association)  platform. The BGA (The Business Graduates Association), is the renewal of the name under which AMBA was originally launched in 1967! For our international viewers’ info, the other five categories where:

Monika Lemajic

  • Business School Careers Strategy Award
  • Business School Impact on Community and Society Award
  • Business school Innovation Award
  • MBA Entrepreneurial Venture Award (Private sector) and
  • MBA Entrepreneurial Venture Award (Third sector)

Excellent food and drinks as well as live music in the best 1920’s environment fully enjoyed by all in our table and all the other guests.

Events not to be missed:

In Athens:

“The Maritme Economy and the Athens Riviera” at the Paleon Faliron Multicentre at the Town Hall on the 17th of February. The opportuniy for the new generation!

In London:

Coming up IBIA’s Annual Dinner on the 24th of Febuary 2020 at Grosvenor House. Book today by registering online here or contacting ibia@ibia.net

Five days later the HESGB 25th Anniversary Annual Diner and Dance also at Grosvenor House. See poster herebelow.

Wishing you all have a nice evening and weekend and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating by Pirates – another surge yet again not only in statistics but beyond, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!! Ah! Mind Coronavirus!!!!

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