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Home News It’s a …Handies Market amid a Low and Volatile scene; enigmatic and perplexed geopolitics bring humanity closer to a wider full scale war… The Vaccine is here but…

It’s a …Handies Market amid a Low and Volatile scene; enigmatic and perplexed geopolitics bring humanity closer to a wider full scale war… The Vaccine is here but…

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John Faraclas

It’s a …Handies Market amid a Low and Volatile scene; enigmatic and perplexed geopolitics bring humanity closer to a wider full scale war… The Vaccine is here but

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) ended the week up at 1,197 points since yesterday but on a weekly basis down 33 (from 1,230 on 27/11), still under the 1,200 point threshold. The World Debt and the parameters surrounding same, given also some provocative movements by some pariah states, will soon bring us in an all-out War. Coronavirus’ issues will come to a head and conversely become dear  if we don’t act sensible. Discipline and Responsibility from all; this is what is needed, but there should be clear rules in a crisis! John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

So, the BDI – thanks to the Capes and …Handies, remains buoyant; these eight plus points count although the weekly performance was negative – minus 33 from last week’s (27/11) 1,230 points…

Plus forty points for the Capes’ BCI, now at 1,520 points re-gaining the 1,500 points threshold, but down seven points on a weekly basis from 1,533 (27/11)..

Down 14 points for the Panamaxes’ BPI now at 1,331; the weekly loss stood at 98 points and simultaneously the loss of the 1,400 points threshold is a fact…

Single figure loss for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,011 – minus four; the weekly losses stood at seven points – down from 1,018…

The Handies managed both for the daily and weekly count to remain positive; the BHSI was up one point and now reads 664, whilst on a weekly basis fifteen plus points raises hopes – from 649 (27/11).

There isn’t much steam and wonder what will happen as we approach the Festive Season… Only boxships “make” sense these days, but for how long…

The Wets continue their ups and downs; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 440 – minus five and 354 – plus three points respectively, sill low levels… The weekly score was a mini disaster as both Wet indices fell… The Dirties lost 15 points – from 455 and the Cleans six – from 360 last Friday the 27 of November.

The WTI was up 45 cents since yesterday and now reads US$ 46.11 – bad news as we are over the US$46 mark… On a weekly basis the WTI was up 57 cents – from US$ 45.54… Ultra CAUTION should be observed…

Geopolitics as they stand within the faulty line Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa – as we report and refer to almost every day, are leading to an all-out war with Turkey and its backers bearing the entire responsibility. Check for yourselves how the situation is heating up… CAUTION as defending nations pride and integrity will saw acts and reactions you never ever thought of…

MIGRANTS becomes the everyday norm in Europe and the entire Med…

BREXIT still has a long way to go despite time constrains; a very complex situation…

Europe, as we continuously mention, MUST get its act together as there are too many issues at stake!!!

Time is of essence in the USA and president Trump must accept defeat. He has only to blame himself and his wrong aides… Joe Biden, the president-elect has no room for mistakes.

China creates further issues and we must all warn the Chinese of consequences…

Thorough checks on flying; witnessed a lot today as well as some rude behaviour from a passenger against an airhostess vis-à-vis the MASKS issue… Also, those who order new aircrafts must ensure they understand that passengers are not pigmies…

Christmas is coming and with the Coronavirus spreading, despite lockdowns, KISS: postpone kissing and hugging during the Festive Season especially with people who don’t belong to your household. Save your hugs and kisses for Easter next year; possibly beyond that! We hear of many unknowns with the Vaccine and its potential, so we suggest ultra-caution as we don’t know the shape of things to come. Soon we will have a major lockdown; C A U T I O N…

Missed the live Lloyd’s List Greece Shipping Awards 2020 with an excellent Virtual Reality presentation as I was airborne and hopefully we will soon have same on line.

Have a nice evening and weekend ensuring you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 280 (twohundredandeighty) trillion… May the grace of St. Nicholas on Sunday bring sensibility. The patron Saint is an example for all!

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