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Home Banking Forthcoming OMFIF meetings

Forthcoming OMFIF meetings

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Macroeconomic consequences of environmental degradation Wednesday 19 October, Roundtable

The Central Bank of Chile has been increasingly focused on the interaction between the environment and the economy. Elias Albagli, director of the central bank´s monetary policy division, joins OMFIF to analyse the macroeconomic consequences of environmental degradation and discuss the medium-term research agenda of the Environmental Economics Group within the bank. The virtual roundtable explores how climate change and the depletion of natural resources can represent future financial risks, what challenges the central bank faces and how they can be addressed.

 Blockchain for public finance management
Tuesday 27 September, Report launch
OMFIF, in collaboration with EY, launches a report studying the degree to which digital improvements to the management of public finances, perhaps employing blockchain, could improve operational efficiency, oversight and analysis of how best to deploy resources. 
 Climate finance and the IMF: in conversation with Bo Li
Tuesday 4 October, Roundtable
Ahead of COP27, the International Monetary Fund is releasing a paper on climate finance, carbon taxes and their impact on accountancy firms. Bo Li, deputy managing director of the IMF, discusses the paper and the IMF’s role in advancing sustainable finance. 
 Evolution of payments systems: national versus international
Tuesday 4 October, Launch
Central banks are grappling with the question of whether a national payments system is preferable an international one. OMFIF launches a report assessing the relative strengths of different payments systems. 
 Team Europe borrowers forum: a new era for sovereign debt
Tuesday 25 October, SeminarEurope’s sovereign borrowers face a dramatically changed environment. This event brings together the three leading issuers of the European Union to discuss how they are managing their borrowing programmes. 

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