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Home Associations European Union acts on artificial intelligence safety, and more

European Union acts on artificial intelligence safety, and more

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European Union acts on artificial intelligence safety
By Julian Jacobs and AJ Mannan
The European Union has passed a landmark piece of legislation that attempts to regulate artificial intelligence. On one side, onlookers heralded it as the first piece of real AI governance that could serve as a foundation for future safety commitments globally. On the other side, sceptics argue that it imposes onerous restrictions that would stifle AI innovation.

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ECB moves ahead of Fed in credit easing stakes
By David Marsh and Arunima Sharan
The economic implications of multiple elections around the world, the China slowdown and worldwide tensions caused by conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East were key concerns at OMFIF’s advisory council meeting on 18 March. 

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Shifting the trillions: from ambition to action
Monday 22 April, Partner events
The DZ BANK Capital Markets Conference returns from 22-24 April in Berlin to gather global policy-makers, high-level sustainable finance experts and worldwide investors to share insights into the sustainable transition.

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Pre-validation: combatting fraud and minimising errors in payments
Experts in cashless payments and strategic transformation from Swift and the Banque de France discuss a new tool for reducing the number of errors in payments.

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The Bulletin: Electionomics!
This edition of the Bulletin looks at the implications of the super-election year for both developed and emerging economies and what we can expect for the world economy as a whole.

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