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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas course: Navigational Audits / Live Virtual CLassroom

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas course: Navigational Audits / Live Virtual CLassroom

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Navigational Audits (Live Virtual Classroom)

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 24 April 2024, a one-day live virtual classroom on Navigational Audits.

The biggest risk facing a ship owner is a major navigational incident in spite of the fact that the techniques for safe navigation are well known. When these techniques are professionally executed, navigational risks are reduced.

Navigational audits are a requirement of TMSA and becoming more and more common in other trades e.g. bulk carriers.

This course focuses on the challenge of safe navigation today. It covers the technical background regarding navigation and gives special emphasis to current developments and charterers’ requirements. Participants will be made aware of gaps in their knowledge that could lead to unsafe procedures and understand the huge importance of the human element in the navigational process.

Risk Management and auditing are used as tools to monitor and/or improve individual skills as well as those of the whole bridge team. Improvements to existing Safety Management Systems can also be identified within such an audit. 

Navigating a vessel constitutes a significant risk. Participants in this course will learn how to use the navigational audit as a tool to improve, not only their own, but their company’s performance, while also satisfying charterers’ requirements.

Emphasis will be given on:

·         Involvement of the Human Element (Bridge Team and Bridge Resource Management)

·         Risk Assessment

·         Safe and Effective Navigation

·         Auditing the Navigational Process

Course:                  Navigational Audits

Venue, Date:          Live Virtual Classroom (link to be provided), 24 April 2024  (10:00 – 16:30)

Trainer:                  Mr. Antonios Tsagkaropoulos, Deck Officer, Hellenic Navy, DNV’s Maritime Academy

Fees:                      €  470,00 plus VAT                                  

Registration deadline:  15 April 2024     

You can register through our training portal

Looking forward to welcoming you,

Best regards, Marina Papaioannou PhD Regional Maritime Academies Manager Maritime Service Center

Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com

DNV HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. General Register of Commerce Number 44409907000

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1 comment

Navigational Audits / Live Virtual CLassroom – All About Shipping – D-Empire Logistics April 8, 2024 - 4:35 PM

[…] Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com […]


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