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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies DNV’s Maritime Academy course “Handling the Media effectively: The role of the spokesperson”

DNV’s Maritime Academy course “Handling the Media effectively: The role of the spokesperson”

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Handling the Media effectively: The role of the spokesperson

DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 28 May 2024, a one-day course intended to provide important information and prepare personnel who is most likely going to be involved with the press before, during and after emergencies and, in particular, the spokespersons.

Methods and tools will be demonstrated to prepare responsible persons, to acquire confidence and obtain important knowledge about media handling.

This module was developed by Mrs Katerina Skourtanioti, Head of Strategic Communication and Crisis Safety Solution at VenLyS (Reputation and Safety Solution services for the Maritime and Oil & Gas industries, www.venlys.com). 

Aim / Course Objective: The seminar objective is to provide proficiency in media handling and crisis management.

Target Group: Spokespersons in Shipping  Companies

Emphasis will be given on:          

  • Interviews and press releases (Interview formats and techniques)
  • How to work with journalists. On the spot interview, ambush, personal interviews & press conference
  • Handling the crisis. Rules and valuable information
  • Conducting an interview without all the facts       
  • Crisis communication Plan (overall strategy) and spokesperson
  • Crisis communications and social media
  • Training (in front of a camera). Preparation for the reality of interviews

Course:          Handling the Media effectively: The role of the spokesperson

Venue, date:  DNV’s Piraeus Office, 28 May 2024 (10:00-17:00)            

Trainer:          Mrs. Katerina Skourtanioti, Media Handling and Crisis Management expert, Soft skills specialist – DNV’s Maritime Academy trainer

Fees:              Euros 470,00 plus VAT                           

Registration Deadline: 21 May 2024 

You can book it through our Training Portal DNV GL External – Browse Catalogue.

Should you require additional information or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us.  

We look forward to welcoming you. 

Best regards,

Marina Papaioannou PhD Regional Maritime Academies Manager Maritime Service Center

Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com DNV HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A.

General Register of Commerce Number 44409907000 marina.papaioannou@dnv.com
Switch +302104100200 | Mobile +306972025556

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