No matter the weather, the horrendous traffic due to road works (a phenomenon lately all over Greater London) and other issues occurring on a Sunday, the faithful members, family, friends and guests made it to the HESGB Annual BBQ at The Trailfinders Sports Club in West Ealing!

A few drops at mid-day…paved the way for a sunshine afternoon at 21C with just over 100 participating – equaling last year’s attendance. The advantage being that we always use Trailfinders’ function room as well as the outside garden, so all needs are being met so to speak…

Due to a misunderstanding, Marinas’ live music quartet, inked in their diaries the following Sunday, so no dancing this year but exceptional networking took place to the full; the two major wars (Ukraine and Gaza including the despicable attacks on merchant shipping by the Houthi terrorists), the shipping markets, the European Parliament elections, the snap French election taking place as we were having the event, with mixed feelings by the majority of guests, the forthcoming British one and the summer holidays with at least five common destinations, not to mention Posidonia 2024,were the main issues discussed. Good to meet as always long-standing members – some of whom we haven’t seen for over 15 years, and friends, but this time we also made new acquaintances!

Good to see families bringing their young children too as well as many new guests. Over ten nationalities were there! Brazilians, British, Chinese, Greeks, Italians, Japanese, Portuguese to name but some!
The food was excellent, well cooked in front of us and the aroma brought back memories of Greece and its islands of similar events. The sweets went at a blink of an eye, but thank Poseidon there was plenty of ice-cream!

First-class service by the Trailfinders’ events manager Rachelle Simpson and her team; all being most polite with utmost good manners – as if you were on a five star cruise ship…
HESGB’s Governing Committee was there in full force and with only two exceptions!!!

From the faithful we spotted The Skinitis, Alberto Mafrendini, James Yin, Captain Michael Kounoupas and his wife Ann, Costas Fafalios and friends, George Anastasiou and his wife, Capt Theodore Lembesis… Commander (HCG) Aggeliki Iatropoulou with her daughters, Nicholas Lilis and his wife, the Hamberis Bros – as they are known, Apollonia Koukios-Zagoritou, Sotiris Milisis, his wife Ioanna and daughter Eleni.

Newcomers included the Foroglous with their children, fashion designer Matina Ouzouni and her husband David, Commander (HCG) Eva Kassotaki and her husband Christos Ioannou from V. Ships, Dr. Evangelos Markopoulos with his wife Olga, Paris Magriotis and his wife, Dr. Alkistis Karabela from Wartsila and her husband Tozzi G.A., and Alexis Zaranis with Poppy Dover…

Good to see my Falifornian neighbour Radm (HCG Tech – Rt) Tasos Ambazoglou in London with his wife and daughter Sivila from the IMO, after almost 15 years, as well as Thanasi Theofilis of Elsmore Shipping.

Worth mentioning there were nine dogs, a record so to say; all very well behaved!

Reminding you this BBQ is one of the three main events of the HESGB – the other two being the Annual Dinner and Dance at the Grosvenor House Hotel and the pre-Christmas dinner at the Real Greek in London’s Westfield. Add three to four informal drinks gatherings in traditional pubs and restaurants by the banks of the Thames which attract over sixty members; and do try to join!

Many Congratulations to HESGB Events team (Kostas Amarantidis, Evan Zaranis, Alex Xenakis and Patty Apostolopoulou)) for staging on more successful event!
Wishing all a nice summer break!