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New Orleans, United States
Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange & Lake Charles, United States
Restrictions ahead of storm landfall
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, New Orleans, United States
In anticipation of the landfall of Tropical Storm Cindy, the below restrictions have been put into place in New Orleans with the anticipated landfall of a Tropical Storm Cindy.

OPEN WITH RESTRICTIONS – Due to deteriorating conditions, the Bar Pilots will be shutting down operations until conditions improve.

OPEN WITH RESTRICTIONS – Crescent Pilot Restrictions: In connection with the Bar Pilots discontinuing operations, the Crescent River Port Pilots will be removing all pilots from Pilottown station. All inbound ships will be services as ordered. Crescent Pilots will continue to take orders and operate as normal in the harbor. Southbound vessels will need to make arrangements to go to anchor. Anchorage availability will be assessed and movements will be coordinated with NOBRA, and relay any changes. All operations may be suspended if conditions warrant.

Yesterday (20 June) evening, the Associated Branch Pilots advised that conditions had deteriorated and they would be shutting down operations. Conditions offshore had become “very nasty”, so boats and crew would be moved to Venice.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Port Condition X-Ray set
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange & Lake Charles, United States
Effective at 6:00pm DT, the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Port Arthur has set Port Condition X-RAY for the ports of Beaumont, TX; Port Arthur, TX; Orange, TX; and Lake Charles, LA including all tributaries and connecting waterways.

Tropical force winds from TROPICAL STORM CINDY are expected to make landfall along the coast of southeast Texas and western Louisiana within 48 hours.

The following restrictions are in effect:

  1. All cargo transfer operations must be completed before sustained winds reach 35 MPH.
  2. All commercial vessels greater than 500 gross tons intending to remain in port must immediately notify the Captain of the Port of their intentions and submit a Remaining In Port Checklist to the Captain of the Port for approval.
  3. Vessels bound for these ports which are unable to depart prior to the closing of the port are advised to seek an alternate destination.

…Vessels are advised to seek safe harbor in the northern reaches of the waterway. Survey places to moor or anchor to safely ride out a tropical storm or hurricane, and make available the necessary heavy weather mooring gear. Based on prior experience fishing vessels should moor north of Texaco Island Intersection. Vessels shall not moor in locations that impede the safe transit of vessels in the channel. By regulation, vessels intending to moor at 33 CFR 105 facilities must have an agreed upon security arrangement with the facility prior to the vessels mooring.

Future Port Conditions cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty but, provided the storm remains on the projected course and speed, port stakeholders can expect the following progression of Port Conditions:

Set at 10.30am on 20 June 2017

Set at 6.00pm on 20 June 2017

Predicted to be set am 21 June 2017

Predicted to be set pm 21 June 2017

Arrival of Tropical Force winds
Predicted am 22 June 2017

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Beaumont, Marine Safety Information Bulletin 04-17 issued at 6:00pm on 20 June 2017

UPDATE:Effective at 8:00 a.m. CDT, June 21, 2017, the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Port Arthur has set Port Condition YANKEE for the ports of Beaumont, TX; Port Arthur, TX; Orange, TX; and Lake Charles, LA including all tributaries and connecting waterways.

Tropical force winds from TROPICAL STORM CINDY are expected to make landfall along the Texas/Louisiana coast with within 24 hours.

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