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Home Banking US Treasury misguided on IMF quotas, Economic outlook and challenges for East Asia

US Treasury misguided on IMF quotas, Economic outlook and challenges for East Asia

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The US Treasury Department

US Treasury misguided on IMF quotas, Economic outlook and challenges for East Asia

Commentary: US Treasury misguided on IMF quotas

By Mark Sobel in Washington

The US Treasury’s welcome stance on sustaining overall International Monetary Fund resources merits support. But its position on quotas will set back multilateralism, promote regionalism and damage US interests, and should be reversed. The IMF should have a large backstop for emergency systemic situations and when quota resources run low. Some separation resources makes sense. Absent the ‘new arrangements to borrow’, the IMF would rely on massive bilateral loans, creating conditions for opaque deal-making.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Hoe Ee Khor, chief economist at the Asean+3 Macroeconomic Research Office

Meeting: Economic outlook and challenges for East Asia

Monday 13 May, London, 10:30 GMT

Hoe Ee Khor, chief economist at the Asean+3 Macroeconomic Research Office, will discuss the economic outlook and challenges for East Asia. These include regional economic integration, the impact of China’s economic slowdown and related trade risks, developments in the region’s financial markets and the influence of global financial conditions. He will also discuss the difficulties of building capacity and connectivity to sustain longer-term growth.

Request to attend the meeting.

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