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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@1,857: an expected fall amid the geopolitical mega mayhem…

The BDI@1,857: an expected fall amid the geopolitical mega mayhem…

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John Faraclas

The BDI@1,857: an expected fall amid the geopolitical mega mayhem…

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) seems to lose its “credibility” as the latest fall during this morning of 106 points and 274 since last week – when it stood at 2,131 points proves our prediction when same went over the 2,247 points after five years and eight months… Our sinking feeling sunk the Dry Market yet again… Geopolitics fallowing the UN fiasco meetings will bring an Armageddon in all fronts like never before mankind has experienced. John Faraclas daily and weekly recap:

The Capes’s BCI lost 263 points and now stand at 3,338; the BCI was also down 614 points since last Friday the 20th of September when it stood at 3,952 points – what a fall eh!!!!

The Panamaxes were also down 42 points with the BPI reading 1,804 points. On a weekly basis the BPI was down 209 points – down from the 2,013 points of last Friday…

The Supras lost a dozen points and now the BSI reads 1,260; the weekly loss was 40 points – from 1,300… and

The Handies’ BHSI lost just a point returning to the “familiar” figure of 690 points. The weekly “loss” was just two points – from 692… The most stable from all dry sizes!!!

The Wets with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI and BCTI stood at 935 – up 59!! And 465 minus one… On a weekly basis the Dirties were up 107 points – from 828 and the Cleans were up 14 – from 451 points respectively….

The WTI thank Posidon was down to US$ 55.91 and on a weekly basis same was US$ 2.18 below that of the 20th of Sept 2019 when it stood at US$ 58.09!!!

Some Geopolitical Issues…: 

The Migrants issue, the number one issue all over Planet Ocean, is getting off hand and soon will deteriorate with despicable things to happen; just wait and see. Migrants not only cause issues in the entire Med and Black Sea but lately in Northern Europe crossing over to UK from France as well as making “basis” in Belgium where some smugglers were arrested today – in Belgium they were arrests of Albanians trying to smuggle Albanians to the UK. Arrests were made also in Germany and in the UK. A big network of smugglers! In Greece off Chios Island a Turkish family was almost all drown; they were asylum seekers… To sum up there is a ten-fold increase in people coming to Europe from Turkey’s Anatolian Coast and president Erdogan knows well how to upset the Europeans if they do no not succumb to his demands and send them over;

What a shame! And remember: he has nearly FIVE million MIGRANTS in Turkey right now and he will send them over… CAUTION! No excuses from Brussels and NATO and obviously from all governments in the region. There should have plans for any jeopardy which is in our view on the way!

The MIGRANTS issue is a pandemic and same MUST end here and now. Before we employ irony and blast same against all responsible, we repeat that the only remedy in any region all over Planet Ocean should be a total Naval Blockade with a Mandate and Rules of Engagement. Obviously on land related issues closing of the frontiers and increase of the patrols must begin forthwith. END OF THE STORY! All other means and blah blah will lead in the total distortion and breakage of the social cohesion wherever MIGRANTS enter.-

The Turkish violation of International Law in the East Med – particularly in Cyprus and soon in the Aegean over illegal exploration of oil and gas MUST end before it is too late to contain same.

Caution on the last Turkish earthquakes in Istanbul; the faulty line there – at Bosporus and Sea of Marmara can ignite mess extended to mainland Greece…

BREXIT still in total disarray; deal or no deal BREXIT NOBODY is ready for the day after, and that’s a fact! Neither the United Kingdom, nor the European Union are ready and the final countdown begins today – exempt the weekend… Who and what BREXIT do we expect? If you don’t do it excellent, don’t do it at all! Analysing the situ we observe that none from both sides of the equation is simplistic people and conversely their views and negos skills in seeing BREXIT, any BREXIT taking shape. Expect a messy situ despite promises… You need two in a tango…

The European Union has a lot to do to see its 500 million people get a better life and also avoid war, any type of war! In 1900, 119 years ago, Europe dominated Planet Ocean; Europe was a mighty continent! Now?

At the other side of the Atlantic the US president is “locked” again in defending himself with the Biden – Ukraine suspected issue. Time will tell but one needs to know who listens to the president’s telconvs and what might happen… CAUTION! If the impeachment by the Democrats fails, then wonder the outcome of the next USA’s elections… Watch this space…

In the Persian Gulf / Arabian Peninsula things might get offhand in case the Saudis and their allies retaliate in what they believe it was an Iranian attack on Aramco’s installations… CAUTION here too…

China will press many issues and wonder how the Chinese will stop – like the Turks getting oil from Iran! Sanctions mean sanctions and Uncle Sam still runs the show!

Japan is closely watching all developments particularly that with North Korea… Another major headache…

Africa in total mess and expect uprisings and terrorists attacks…

South America suffers from the Venezuelan mess, the Amazon fires and Brazil’s surmounting issues as well as the Argentinian crisis which must end; otherwise there won’t be tears for Argentina…

Sound quite in the Subcontinent with India and Pakistan still at odds… CAUTION… The Monsoons is one thing, nuclear mess yet another!

Cannabis for Australians?  Australian Capital Territory (ACT) which become the first jurisdiction  there in legalising recreational cannabis use…

Have a nice evening and weekend but remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business hooligans whatsoever wherever you ae on Planet Ocean!

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