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Home Banking A second life for EU stress tests, China’s 14th five-year plan

A second life for EU stress tests, China’s 14th five-year plan

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A second life for EU stress tests, China’s 14th five-year plan

Monday 2 November 2020  –  Vol.11 Ed.45.1

Commentary: A second life for EU stress tests

By Pedro Duarte Neves in Lisbon

Stress tests have helped make the banking sector more resilient. In the EU, they are used mainly to assess whether banks have enough capital to withstand shocks. These exercises should focus in a more balanced way on capital adequacy and profitability. In the banking sector, solvency levels are much higher than they were 10 years ago, but profitability is well below pre-crisis levels. Just before Covid-19, more than 80% of large euro area financial institutions had a return on equity below 8%.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: China’s 14th five-year plan

Thursday 5 November, 16:30-17:30 SGT

China has rebounded from the impact of Covid-19 and is the first major economy to start growing again. With the country largely virus-free, policy-makers are planning the economic and social priorities for the next five years. Yongding Yu, senior fellow of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Bert Hofman, director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, discuss how China is rebuilding its economy after the pandemic.

Request to attend the meeting.

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