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Home HRArt and auctions BDI’s “contained” fall amid perplexed Geopolitical uncertainty “boosted” by Coronavirus…

BDI’s “contained” fall amid perplexed Geopolitical uncertainty “boosted” by Coronavirus…

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BDI’s “contained” fall amid perplexed Geopolitical uncertainty “boosted” by Coronavirus…

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) stuck on yesterday’s figure at 1,327 points given some minimal and mild ups and downs on all others indices… The Wets on a falling mild mode too whilst Geopolitics might now engulf social upturns given the extended – over 13 years existing credit crunch, and Coronavirus’ still uncontained effects… John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

The Capes’ fall was only five points with the BCI now reading 1,540…

Six valuable points for the Panamaxes’ BPI now up at 1,629… A mini rise is on the cards…

Minus two points for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,139… Let us see if the future brightens up with this difficult size…

Low but steady rise for the Handies’ BHSI now at 712 points.

Looks likely we might witness some positive consolidation although same can happen after the Chinese New Year. The Year of the Ox might axe uncertainty but the end result is what remains and counts…

The Wets on a milder falling mode since yesterday; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 496 – minus one, and 485 – minus five points respectively… CAUTION!

The WTI was up 93 cents since yesterday and now reads US$ 55.91. We have stressed the importance as well as the need for the WTI – same applies for the Brent, to remain low as these escalating upwards trend makes 7.7 billion people suffer all over Planet Ocean and with the Coronavirus’ mess the suffering gets worse…

The Geopolitical front remains messy on all issues and as mentioned, in the headline/title of this report, “supported” by Coronavirus, triggers slowly but steadily social upturns… We expect a more than responsible leadership by politicians who have made it a despicable mess with incalculable repercussions for all, even for themselves.

Joe Biden, the new USA’s president is trying his best and hope he will succeed both within the USA and all over Planet Ocean. He has though Herculean tasks!

MIGRANTS still on top from all other issues put together; the stigma of apathy on MIGRANTS by German lead Brussels, is pathetic.

Turkey’s president continues to stir up Central, East Med, the Balkans, South Caucuses and the Middle East. A champion provocateur and blackmailer using religious terrorism must be stopped at any cost as well as his backers.

Greece and Cyprus still on alert with Turkey’s behaviour and as vested arm deals interests fly around, situation will get worse.

Russian policies haven’t changed an iota since the days of the Tzars and “socialist” leaders who “destroyed” Communism in 72 years…

China wishes to become overnight Planet Ocean’s new de facto leader, but… NO WAY for at least 50 (fifty) years when other powerful entities, AND NOT nations, will exist changing Global Governance.

BREXIT still makes waves…

Can Navalny influence Russian politics?

Mind the Myanmar military coup but who has the power to resist there?

Will Biden change the nuclear deal with Iran?

Chilling moment might appear in Chile… Caution…

One big threat: China in the South China Sea and its “relation” with Taiwan…

…and lots of Australian wine bound to UK – watch out on Valentine’s cheers, the best ever to be  virtual love event…

More news tomorrow with the weekly recap.

Mind the Coronavirus anathema now spreading even worse with the South African, British and Brazilian mutations / strains… There is a long way to go… Expect havoc soon as demos will rise. Remain disciplined! Watch out for the Vaccinegate…

On another one and note the GIWA voting is on as well as ours for Top 100 Women in Shipping. Ensure you vote.

Have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 300 (threehundred) trillion…

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