Neither William Shakespeare, nor Aeschylus, Sophocles or Euripides could have ever imagined the unique story – you can call it tragedy, drama or even comedy, enfolding in Greece following last…
The Chinese New Year is here with us since yesterday and the year of the sheep might be beneficial for ships too; you never ever know as it depends from…
All change… By John Faraclas The latest events and conversely the news spread around the world – particularly in Europe, are offering the chance to say: All change! The policies…
The following are the main points – in brief – from the latest John Faraclas live interview from the Camelot Castle Hotel in Tintagel, Cornwall, to Panos Thomakos on SBC…
Europe must make or break; enough is enough! The following are the main points – in brief – from the latest John Faraclas live interview to Panos Thomakos on SBC…
To Cyprus: Resistance is Futile. “The EU Borg”, by Dr. Andreas Koutras Yesterday in a rather convincing vote (36 No, 19 abstentions, 0 Yes) the Cypriot parliament decided to reject…
World Shipping: Divefall? – Greek Shipping and Politics: Still in a mess! The following are the main points from the latest John Faraclas live interview to Panos Thomakos on SBC…
The World, Europe and Greece – a political, economic comment from a shipping perspective – part 1.
The World, Europe and Greece – a political, economic comment from a shipping perspective – part 1. By John Faraclas All our previous analysis and views on the Shipping Markets…