Low expectations for G20 leaders’ summit By Mark Sobel
G20 leaders gather in Bali, Indonesia, on 15-16 November amid an increasingly gloomy global outlook, growing fragmentation and cries for collective action. There will be much excitement. The opportunity for global leaders to meet and hold bilaterals is highly welcome. But key challenges are not likely to be well addressed and accomplishments will be few and far between.Â
 Long read: The UK growth anxiety is nothing new By Meghnad Desai As long as I can recall in my life as an economist, there has been a growth anxiety in British political life. Since the 1950s, recurrent crises – both national and global – have agonised UK financial markets. |
 Growing geopolitical problem for debt managers By OMFIF editors The geopolitical yield premium for government borrowers from central and eastern Europe since Russia invaded Ukraine in February is a growing problem for debt managers.  |
 MEETINGS Operating models, technological platforms and integrated data strategies Wednesday 23 November, Roundtable This is the second of two roundtables hosted by OMFIF and State Street Bank. It explores the operating models, platforms and strategies central banks should consider for data categorisation, integration and management. |
 ON DEMAND Avoiding a debt crisis Neil Williams, chief economist, and Taylor Pearce, economist at OMFIF, discuss the forces behind UK government funding costs, what measures are available to the Bank of England and how they might suit the UK. |
 LATEST REPORT Digital assets: Regulation and infrastructure for an evolving economy This report examines the economic opportunities digital assets present, looking at different kinds of digital assets and the possibilities they offer for businesses and individuals to deliver value and generate revenue. |