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Home Associations Bank of England credibility depends on a framework with the Treasury, and more

Bank of England credibility depends on a framework with the Treasury, and more

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Bank of England credibility depends on a framework with the Treasury By DeLisle Worrell

It is a mistake to suppose that central banks have the tools to alleviate the adverse consequences of poor fiscal policy, much less to restrain profligate governments. The most that the central bank can do is to reassure financial markets temporarily, until the government is able to implement a fiscal strategy which the markets find to be credible.

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Charles Goodhart: ‘Growth is bound to fall’
By OMFIF editors
Charles Goodhart, professor emeritus of banking and finance at the London School of Economics, spoke about his predictions for long-term demographic change in an ageing world.

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UK pension funds lie subservient to political needs
By Colin Robertson
Jeremy Hunt, UK chancellor of the exchequer, set out proposals for the pension fund industry in his speech at Mansion House. These proposals focused on three of the government’s priorities.

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The future of digital money in financial markets
Wednesday 30 August, Roundtable
Knut Sandal, director, payments analysis and innovation, and Peder Østbye, director of analysis at Norges Bank, discuss the settlement role of central banks should stablecoins gain traction.

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Central bank reserve management: from inflation fears to sustainability trends
Massimiliano Castelli, head of strategy and advice, global sovereign markets at UBS Asset Management, joins OMFIF to discuss the investment landscape for reserve managers.

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The Bulletin, Summer 2023
This edition of the Bulletin sheds light on the challenges and opportunities presented by changing population dynamics. Some contributors note that shifting demographic patterns are cause for alarm, while for others, the message is not all doom and gloom.

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