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Home MarketsChartering Caution for the Dry, Wet Markets and Geopolitics

Caution for the Dry, Wet Markets and Geopolitics

by admin
John Faraclas

The BDI (The Baltic Dry Index) ended down eight points since yesterday and now reads 1,129; on a weekly basis same was down seven points since last week’s 1,136… The Wets too very low with minor upas and downs. As far as Geopolitics: in the worse ever state!!!! CAUTION, CAUTION, CAUTION! The daily and weekly brief recap by John Faraclas:

The Capes’ BCI was down 82 points at 1,592; on a weekly basis the BCI lost 226 points – from 1,818 on 4 Aug 2023.-

The Panamaxes BPI lost 45 points since yesterday and now stands at 1,337; “rich” pickings on a weekly basis thou: 204 points plus since last week’s 1,133.-

Plus 22 points for the Supras’ BSI now at 728 which is also 40 points plus since last week’s 688, surpassing also the 700 points threshold…

Plus ten points for the Handies’ BHSI now at 411; the weekly gains were 21 points – from 390 last week and nice to see the Handies “conquering” the 400 points threshold…

The Wets with ups and downs; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 802 and 670 points – up three and down nine points respectively. On a weekly basis the Dirties were up two points – from 800 last week, and the Cleans were down 36 – from 706 (4 Aug 2023) and losing the 700 points threshold.

All in all: the market lacks steam for a second week. Ultra CAUTION should be observed and given the continuation of the Ukrainian war things might go sour…

The WTI was up 37 cents since yesterday at US$ 83.19 and the same level (what a coincidence) on a weekly basis – from US$ 82.82 on 4 Aug 2023.

The FTSE 100 was down 94.44 points since yesterday and now reds 7,524.16; on a weekly basis same was down 40.21, from 7,564.37 on 4 Aug 2023.

The Dow Jones was up 105.25 points since yesterday at 35,281.40; on a weekly basis the Dow Jones was up 215.78 from last Friday’s 35,065.62…

The NIKKEI was up 260.32 (10/08) at 32,473.65 from the 32,204.33 on the 9th of August and on a weekly basis the NIKKEI was up 270.90 from last week’s 4 Aug 2023 when it stood at 32,192.75…

The Euro vs. USDollar parity stood at 1,0963 which is 0,0018 down since yesterday; on a weekly basis the score was 0,0062 down from 1,1025…

The Ships Sale and Purchase front continues to be dominated by mainly newbuilding orders, and that’s a nice thing to witness…

On the Geopolitical front, the Ukranian mess, not only will spill over in Ukraine’s periphery, but also elsewhere; in Africa for example… Following intense fighting, it seems to us we are going to witness despicable things and we warn of the worse is yet to come. You haven’t seen anything yet. We have been warning you all along this messy war… Are sanctions working, eh!!!!!!

The Migrants issue continues with tenfold movements – numberwise and accidents – loss of lives not only in the med, but also in the British Channel. The MIGRANTS issue still maintain the top of all issues put together; S H A M E!!!

Hooligansim must be curbed here and now following the inhumane events in Athens with the Croatians funs, supported by elements of some local Greek Hooligans and resulting in the loss of life of a Greek AEK supporter. Stop the games for five years and then you shall see the result. Do the politicians have the guts to do this? (We mean Politicians from all nations).

Africa explodes every day and if you add the proxy wars there, expect total mess!!!!!

Otherwise we attended a very touching Graduation last Saturday at the Copenhagen Business School for this years Blue MBA, Class of 2023; watch this space when we upload the event! Our team had a nice break in a cooler environment given the high temps in south Europe…

Air-travel must be streamlined in all fronts…

Have a nice evening and weekend but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates – still around, Terrorists – again still around, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. May the forthcoming Dormition of the All Holy Mother of God on the 15th of August makes us all more wise and calm…. A big THANKS to all still fighting the Coronavirus anathema – still with us (now with “Eris” read above), despite what politicians and their cronies say. Let us work collectively and restart Planet Ocean, now in debt over US$ 405 (four-hundredandfive) trillion!!! Let us save the Environment without any further excuses… Meantime, we are in a Recession and together with Inflation the situation will hurt all of us!!! 

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