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Home Banking In case you missed it: stories from Q1

In case you missed it: stories from Q1

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Why Russia still can’t defeat Ukraine
By Christopher Smart
Ukraine is well on its way to joining the rest of Europe economically and politically. For all Moscow’s recent battlefield success and glee over dwindling US support, Vladimir Putin’s hopes to restore Russia’s ties to Ukraine have evaporated and his country looks headed for deepening isolation, impoverishment and irrelevance.

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Glass ceiling still firmly in place for women in finance
By Arunima Sharan
Last year saw historic highs for gender parity in senior leadership positions at financial institutions, but 2024 does not show the same promise.

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Should hedge funds be primary dealers?
By Burhan Khadbai
Hedge funds playing a more active role in government bond markets is not a novel idea. However, allowing hedge funds to join investment banks as official dealers is worth exploring.

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M-pesa success shows importance of competition in payments
By Katerina Liu
Some in the banking community will lobby against CBDCs in an effort to protect their interests, but policy-makers would do well to press on.

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Safeguarding the future: why organisations need ESG data
Sherry Madera, chief executive officer of CDP, discusses how datasets are evolving to support the mobilisation of institutional investor demand in ESG assets and the importance of data to leadership.

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AI in finance 2024
This event took place in partnership with the University of Oxford, bringing together the world’s leading AI innovators, major financial institutions and key regulators to discuss AI in finance safety and governance.

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The Bulletin: Electionomics!
This edition of the Bulletin looks at the implications of the super-election year for both developed and emerging economies and what we can expect for the world economy as a whole.

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