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Home MarketsChartering What an odd figure for the BDI@1,772…

What an odd figure for the BDI@1,772…

by admin

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost two points earlier on today amid odd figures… Geopolitics as messy as ever and the Inferno in Greece – Attica region in particular is more than shameful; John Faraclas’ daily briefing:

The Capes’ BSI is reported as going up even though the time-charter average is dropping; at 3,462 – that’s plus one since yesterday – following the euphoria of 157 plus points, leaves many questions…

The Panamaxes’ BPI was up seven at 11,588 points…

The Supras’ BSI up thee at 1,033 points and

The Handies’ BHSI down three at 556…

All in all a very strange figure-wise Dry market…

The wets on a plus mode; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 748 – plus 21 and 511 – plus four points respectively…

The WTI  as these lines are being written stands at US$69.28… CAUTION as if we see same over the US$ 70 mark, means danger for the poor worldwide… CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION!

The Geopolitics continue to be messy on all front on all issues we cover and expect messy outcome…

The Wildfire in Greece claim 81 dead, many missing and over 200 injured. We will revert with a full account on this despicable saga but for the time being we say: SHAME!! None of the 300MPs in the Greek Parliament resigned. We call for all to resign! No excuses!

Have a nice evening and continue to be on guard wherever you are on Planet Ocean from Pirates, Terrrorists and any Criminals whatsoever.

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