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Home Associations New feature for IMCA’s eCMID ensures usefulness for clients

New feature for IMCA’s eCMID ensures usefulness for clients

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Mark Ford, Technical Director, IMCA

New  feature for IMCA’s eCMID ensures usefulness for clients

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has introduced a new feature to their eCMID website to enable vessel operators to upload additional documents that may be of interest to their clients.

As IMCA’s Technical Director, Mark Ford explains:

This new feature, which is optional, ensures that eCMID is part of a broader vessel assurance system. As such it will now also give clients access to Annual DP Trial reports; Failure Modes and Effects Analyses (FMEAs); DESIGN (Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Notes); and other relevant documents, alongside the existing eCMID and eMISW inspection reports.

This is one of a range of additions and improvements to the eCMID system that we have introduced recently. We continue to review and enhance the system to optimise usage across the industry.”

The increasing functionality of the system gives vessel operators the opportunity to grant, or assign, access to their clients on either a vessel-by-vessel or fleet-wide basis.

It is only eCMID and eMISW inspection reports which require accreditation. In order to clearly indicate which documents have been prepared by the 450 plus Accredited Vessel Inspectors around the world a new AVI icon is now displayed alongside the relevant documents on the website at www.imcaecmid.com/.

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