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Weak Shipping Markets…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

Our thirteenth weekly recapitulation of the shipping markets, their respective main indices and world geopolitics affecting same in 2015, tonight Friday the 27th of March 2015, with John Faraclas of AllAboutShipping in London.

  • The BDI closed earlier on two points down at 596 points since yesterday Thursday the 26th March 2015 which is five points up since last week’s 591 points.
  • The BCI remained the same at 456 points which is 33 points up since last week’s 423 points.
  • The BPI was down two points at 597 points which is 20 points down since last week’s 617 points. That was a bit of a shock…
  •  The BSI was down one point at 647 which is 12 points up since last week’s 635 points. 
  • The BHSI remained the same at 390 which is six points up since last week’s 384 points.

Another downfall for the wets:

  • The Dirties and its BDTI index was down two points since last published at 811 points, which is 5 points down since last week’s 816 points.; the Cleans and the respective BCTI was also falling down seven points at 671 causing further disturbances….as last week was at 688 points….

With the geopolitics in a mess be on guard. These issues below and others greatly affect our industry:

  • Ukraine continues to live in uncertainty; technical Ukraine is in the brink of bankruptcy  Last Thursday MEPs where trying  to approve a Euro 1, 8 billion package from MFA, the Microfinancial Assistance programme that merely stands only for the 28 European block member and assist Ukraine’s dilapidate economy. Lets hope this money is well allocated, particularly to fight corruption!!!! On the military front, in my view things are NOT, repeat NOT settled. Wait and see. . .
  • Germany and Greece are locked in an unprecedented war of words and whatever the reaction and actions taken by both and the rest of Europe at the end of the day, if not contained and humanly resolved it will trigger the Third World War or if you like it I can be more sweet with all of you and say:  a major disaster will happen – it is enfolding.  Make a note on this. For sure, as time goes by, we can all see a scam, that not even the best fiction and non fiction writers have ever imagined in the wildest and “ill” minds and win the best BAFTA and other prizes!  We repeat that the debt situation of Greece is not as the media and the 18 other Governments say, nor that of the IMF; equally the way the lefty/nationalists greek coalition regime, must come down to its senses. I bet you one day this particular regime will seat on the dock!! Too much old hatre, envy, you name it is there. Did I hear you say plans? Any Planning? Having said that, all post 1974 Greek regimes should seat on the dock. We repeat that bribery and corruption involving Greece and other European nations, must now come into light. We do know all the skeletons in every single European Government’s cupboard!! On this issue please study our last week’s reporting on this very issue/point and in particular on Transparency, Humanitarian Crisis etc…
  • The Middle East with the ISIS saga continues. President Obama must act; it will be too late the later on tactic, as they will continue to slaughter humans, destroy civilization’s important monuments…
  • Yemen’s latest events are very alarming particular as they are adjacent to an important sea lane; that of the South Red Sea dire Straits…
  • Nigerian presidential elections an issue to watch; a lot depends from the outcome. Energy matters too!!!
  • Singapore lost its leader Lee Kuan Yew at 91, a man who really turned Singapore upside down for the better; been there last year for a month and I can really tell you the big difference since the sixties (my last visit), that this artificial state is possibly one, between the first five, in the world!
  • The Germanwinds Airline disaster must alert the regulators never ever to happen again; please. Thorough checks and controls! In any event, let’s wait for the final verdict!
  • Afrimari celebrated in business style its Fifth Anniversary at Cass Business School with two excellent speakers who triggered an excellent debate: Debbie Turner from Simpson Spence Young and Jeffrey Hartman from Talaveras! LNG, according to Debbie, one of the world’s best analysts, has more than a future! We hope that soon the half billions of Africans will have electricity…
  • Marios Dimitriades, the Cypriot Minister of Communications and Works presented Cyprus candidate for the IMO Andreas Chrysostomou at a very warm atmosphere in the Cyprus High Commission compound.
  • Russia nominated the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy for Maritime and River Transport of Russian Ministry of Transport Vitaly Klyuev,  to run.
  • The Danish Government confirmed official nomination of Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority Andreas Nordseth as a candidate for the post.
  • What other Nations are planning? Are we going to see a last minute powerful candidate? Believe you me: there is suspense!
  • The 9th Capital Link’s Shipping  & Offshore Forum in New York was more than a success. Equally the Intermodal in Shanghai. IMIF’s presentation by Bruce Ogivly, President of the ICS food for thought on the Work of the ICS; excellent!
  • As we speak, in Athens Hilton Hotel, WISTA Hellas ladies are having their annual dinner and dance event, the proceeds of which goes to Charity!

You can watch live the video herebelow; enjoy the weekend.

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