With another 13 points plus, the BDI (Baltic Dry Index) …alleviates BREXIT’s issues; John Faraclas reports: The Capers continued their double figure with 19 points, now reading 955 – very…
A Brave New World: Afrimari on the generational challenges of jobs, oil – and Africa By James Brewer Sharp downturns in key sectors of the economy call for marine and…
Multi-billion dollar risks of offshore energy projects emphasised at Afrimari event hosted by Stephenson Harwood By James Brewer Enormous risks associated with offshore oil and gas schemes were highlighted at…
Marketing you*; on of Afrimari’s best! Despite many events going on at the same time, a very…unusual issues in the Maritime spectrum – particularly in London, the interest was there…
AFRIMARI NEWS – APRIL 2015 The Big Drop! The Afrimari Collective is born. On Thursday 26th March, Afrimari celebrated five years of Connecting Future Leaders. During this time, thanks to supporters and members,…
The Big Drop: oil price collapse fuels upheaval in African and global energy and shipping, Afrimari meeting hears By James Brewer Some of the hottest projects in the oil and…
Business Council for Africa presents: Maritime Supply Chain and Risk event. Wednesday 4th February: 18.00 – 21.00 Ticket Price includes VAT @ 20% and refreshments To register…
The Business Council for Africa are proud to announce that they will be holding on the 4th of February 2015, a joint event with Afrimari which is an international network…
Legal expert Dr Thomas Mensah stresses at Afrimari meeting that nations need the back-up to implement maritime conventions
Legal expert Dr Thomas Mensah stresses at Afrimari meeting that nations need the back-up to implement maritime conventions, By James Brewer Countries are signing maritime conventions even though they might…
We said that we must be on guard. Despite the BDI rising above the 2, 000 points, due to the adverse shipfinance situation faced by many companies – add shipyards…
Per our reference on the 3rd of July following the Televised SBC TV interview back in 28 June , on Thursday 27th June, Afrimari was hosted by IHS Global Insight.…
The following are the main points from the latest John Faraclas live interview to Panos Thomakos of SBC TV last Friday the 28th of June 2013; please log below and…