Sini Tuomisalo hits the high notes as she sways from classical Russian songs to bossa nova to charm audiences in her native Finland, By James Brewer Born in the jazz…
The melodious mission of Finnish songstress Sini Tuomisalo: encouraging cultural understanding among nations
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The melodious mission of Finnish songstress Sini Tuomisalo: encouraging cultural understanding among nations, By James Brewer As a versatile mezzo-soprano, Sini Tuomisalo turns her exuberant and melodious voice to account…
As part of the shipping industry’s efforts to support seafarers worldwide, the Baltic Exchange released on the 3rd of June a collection of choral music called Music for Seafarers. The London headquartered…
An artist from Sheffield Hallam University has created a unique musical performance to mark the demise of the iconic nautical siren that has traditionally haunted the UK’s coastline. Fine art…