Established in 2008 in Dubai, Vega Ships Management announces the global expansion of their all-encompassing vessel post fixture services into the world wide shipping market. Vega Ships Management offers Vessel…
The London Shipping Law Centre’s third major seminar of the year, ‘Piracy legal, commercial and political developments’, was a resounding success, on 26 March, and was attended by over a…
Evergreen Line is continuing its fleet renewal program and has signed charter agreements with both Costamare and Shoei Kisen Kaisha to each provide, on charter, five 14, 000 teu containerships…
The Strike Club has expanded its range of fixed-premium insurance covers to help time-charterers if and when they suffer the loss of their booked profit as a result of the…
Payment of hire – finally a condition of certainty, by Electra Panayotopoulos Kuwait Rocks Co -v- AMB Bulkcarriers Inc (the Astra) [2013] EWHC 865 (Comm) In the Astra, Flaux…
Payment of hire is a conditon – an end to a charterers ability to deduct from hire? High Court decision of Mr Justice Flaux in – Kuwait Rocks Co v…
The ‘A’ rated 170 million GT North P&I club has experienced an increase in claims arising from poor stowage and securing of break bulk cargoes, particularly on ships departing from…