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More news from the shameful Migrants saga…

by admin
The "El. Venizelos" approaching Piraeus

The “El. Venizelos” approaching Piraeus

The RO/RO-Pass Ferry “El Venizelos” arrived earlier this morning in Piraeus’ famous Gate E1 carrying nearly 2, 500 (2, 466 to be precise) Syrian refugees from the Greece’s Eastern Aegean Islands, namely Kos 628), Kalymnos (75) Leros (967) and Samos (796),

All appropriate measures are in place by the Hellenic Coast Guard for the refugees’ safe transportation with the PPA’s – Piraeus Port Authority (OLP) busses to the metro-railway station in Piraeus for their onward transportation / transfer possibly to Northern Greece, as this is the destination the vast majority of the refugees have chosen.

It not yet known whether the vessel  will do another trip although rumours have it that most probably she will sail to Mytelene (Lesvos Island).

We take the opportunity to urge you in refreshing your memory on the recent views expressed here in with news from Chios, Crete and other places.

Also we have to stress  and repeat four major issues:

1.The reception facilities and organisation on the islands are inadequate as same take place during the high peak of the touristic season (sheltering them is an issue amongst the thousands of tourists on the islands; the influx of refugees is unprecedented. Did I hear you say deceases?

2.The SYRIZA led government has completely spoiled the entire operation as there wasn’t any coherent policy available although, had the government listen to security information as well as info and advise from the opposition, things could have been much better.Did I hear you say deceaces?

3.Athens shouldn’t have been the right place for refuges  of any kind particularly when the mess left behind in a couple of well known parks is a shameful point for the current regime; did I hear you say deceases… and,

4.Greece should invite neighbouring Turkey for joined patrols in the entire sea-borders and each country to deter those refugees in their waters and take them back. Lets see how Turkey responds if both president Erdogan and PM Davutoglou wish to keep neighbouring “friendship” in force. Otherwise, as we have stated, they are sending to Greece the Migrants to destroy Greece’s Tourism. Despite the fact that we have also read statements and news that the Turkish Coast Guard is operating either saving refugees’ lives or prohibiting same in crossing over to the Greek Islands and arresting the traffickers – but more or less imminently releasing them, thousands arrive. If not, then a NATO or EU led Naval Blockade with a mandate should come into force.

Europe too knew all along that there are a few millions in the Anatolian coast of Turkey ready to cross over but did nothing to deter it; shame! Don’t complain when hidden terrorists attack European Cities, as amongst these refugees there are quite a few Islamic military terrorists; men and women!

Finaly, lets don’t forget what takes place off th Libyan coast and how the Italian Navy and Coast Guard are doing their best in Central Mediterranean!!!! Malta too is in danger.

This Refugee situ must come to an end; end of the story or else…

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