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Home Markets BDO -Spring Statement 2022: our predictions

BDO -Spring Statement 2022: our predictions

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BDO -Spring Statement 2022: our predictions

Will 23 March be a day for big tax announcements?

The Spring Statement raises many questions about the Chancellor’s post-COVID plans and options: will tax plans be dictated by events and an attempt to address the ‘cost-of-living crisis’?

To read our predictions, visit our Budget Hub.

Jon has many years of experience dealing with both OMB’s and large international businesses. He advises management teams, shareholders and their businesses.

Supporting you in the new reality

We want to reassure you that BDO continues to provide the level of service you expect from us whether our staff are office-based or working from home.  We are fully equipped and have the technology in place to access our systems securely.
If you have any specific business challenges or opportunities, please speak to your BDO contact or access a wealth of advice and guidance on our Rethink hub.

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Jon has many years of experience dealing with both OMB’s and large international businesses. He advises management teams, shareholders and their businesses.
Supporting you in the new reality
We want to reassure you that BDO continues to provide the level of service you expect from us whether our staff are office-based or working from home.  We are fully equipped and have the technology in place to access our systems securely.
If you have any specific business challenges or opportunities, please speak to your BDO contact or access a wealth of advice and guidance on our Rethink hub.

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